Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins ...
( Isaiah 58:1 )






To our knowledge there is no command in the Bible which requires believers to observe every new moon as a Sabbath, a holy day of rest. To be sure the day of the new moon was celebrated in ancient Israel with special sacrifices; but the day in itself is not referred to as a Sabbath day of rest.

The Almighty did specifically command His people to rest on the weekly and annual Sabbaths; but nowhere did He command Israel to keep the day of the new moon as a Sabbath.

The following Old Testament texts mention the new moon. Let us have a close look at them all to see if there is any indication that Yahweh the Almighty God of Israel commanded His people to rest every new moon.

If we study these texts in their settings we will see that the new moon, though a very important day for sacrifice and praise, is not a Sabbath day. Obviously those who follow the SACRED CALENDAR will offer up special prayer and thanksgiving  for Yahweh's blessing as each cycle day, week, month or year begins; and they may also have a special meal on the days of the new moon or the new year. But these acts in themselves ( sacrifice, thanksgiving, prayer and feasting ) do not make a day a Sabbath. To turn an ordinary day into a Sabbath, the Almighty has to bless that day, set it apart and especially command that it be observed as a day of rest - a Sabbath. Only then can a day be considered a holy day of rest. Sacrifice, visits to the Temple, feasting and songs of praise etc. are all praise worthy but in themselves they do not turn an ordinary day into a Sabbath day of rest! Bear this important fact in mind.

I repeat, there is NO command in the Scriptures that requires believers to rest on the day of every new moon. The only new moon day that meets the sabbatical requirement is Rosh Hashanah the Feast of Trumpets . On that day, the first day of the seventh month in the sacred calendar, we are especially commanded to rest. In other words it is a Sabbath day. 

Leviticus 23: 24 - 25
Speak unto the children of Israel saying, in the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation. Ye shall do no servile work there in: but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

This specific command to rest on the Feast of Trumpets , to keep it as a Sabbath, would have been unnecessary if the day of every new moon was already a commanded Sabbath. Why command the people to rest at the seventh new moon if every new moon was already a Sabbath day?

In addition to the above, there is no evidence in the New Testament that Yeshua the Messiah ( Jesus Christ, ) His disciples kept the day of the new moon as a Sabbath. There are, however, many references that they kept the weekly and annual Sabbaths.

As we have already seen, there is no Old Testament reference to the new moon being kept a Sabbath except for The Feast of Trumpets. Indeed more celebrations occurred at Purim, a day which the Jews have kept since the time of Queen Esther. But again neither is Purim a commanded Sabbath, even though most Jews still celebrate the day. ( See Esther 9:17-18 and 27-32 )

Another fact to remember is that the Jews DO NOT observe every new moon as a Sabbath. If every new moon was a Sabbath they would be resting each month just as they do on each weekly Sabbath!

Were we, in the face of such evidence, to call for believers to keep every new moon a Sabbath, we would be adding another 11 Sabbaths each year to the list. The job implications for most workers in requesting time off from work would be horrendous, not to mention the loss of credibility we Christian leaders would risk when presenting the truth about the seventh day Sabbath along with the seven annual Sabbaths. Being unable to prove the new moon argument we would risk loosing the weekly and annual Sabbath arguments. We as ministers dare not risk that.

Believers who wish to celebrate the day of the new moon by taking time off from work may, of course, do so. That is their personal choice. But their resting on that day does not make the day a Sabbath anymore than resting on Sunday makes the first day of the week a Sabbath.



In The Son's Name For The Father's Glory

Elder:   Max W. Mader